LESOA registration

You must be a qualified separated LEO currently residing in Minnesota. Please consult the following links regarding LEOSA qualifications, Frequently Asked Questions and Military qualifications. Each link will open in a new window or tab, so you won’t lose your place here.

Military Police and civilian DoD police
Off-limit Areas

We do not certify your LEOSA qualifications, we only certify the firearm requirement. We will issue your LEOSA firearm qualification card immediately upon completion of the requirements.

LEOSA does not exempt you from the Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act, allow carry in National Parks or some other areas. For many of these, you must also have a carry permit issued by that state. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and you could, unknowingly, become a federal felon. Please consult the following link for details: Off-limit Areas

First-time LEOSA candidates with us (including those who previously qualified through a different agency) are required to complete an on-line class which includes: our online study guide and quiz.

The shooting qualification will be by appointment. Students must provide a suitable firearm, fifty rounds of ammunition and safety equipment (eyes, ears, etc.).

Study, Test, and Range Test ($80).

Study Guide, Test, and Range Test with paid online MN Permit to Carry Course ($30)

Annual Recertification Range Test Only ($60).

Annual Recertification Range Test Only with paid online MN Permit to Carry Course ($25)

Contact us using the form below to sign up for online LEOSA certification class (first time LEOSA), or to schedule a range test.